Saturday, 18 March 2017

Unis that list Sexual Abuse as a valid reason for Extenuating Circumstances

The Universities that explicitly accept Sexual Assault as an Extenuating Circumstance

I came across this interesting article on The Tab (So you know its gunna be good). Stating which Uni's in the UK deem any form of Sexual Harassment a valid reason for applying for Extenuating Circumstances. 

The Article reads that in 2015 a Uni of Birmingham Student was raped on her year abroad, and because of the stress and emotional turmoil, failed the year, and was refused Extenuating Circumstances. 
Soon after Students and Birmingham launched an e-petition to try and make the Uni chnage their policy.

The petition was a success and so the Uni changed their Extentuating Circumstances Policy.

After this change a couple of Unis have followed suit; such as Cardiff. 

The article then goes on to report that it they had contacted certain Unis to ask what their policies on Extenuating Circumstances were and if they specified on Sexual Harassment.

Unis including: Kings, Durham, York,  Liverpool, Loughborough etc. Basically said that although they do not specify that Sexual Assault is a reason for entitlement in their Terms and Conditions. -They will, however listen to each individuals case, and if that includes Sexual Harassment or Abuse then it will be taken very seriously and in most cases will be permit the Student to Extenuating Circumstances. 

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