Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Pictures of my cat (and update)

On Monday, we got 28 people out of 32 surveyed which was fantastic! I arranged an interview with Sanjay Seth as well, who was very enlightening, myself, Jack and Alba went along to that while Darcy uploaded videos, and Rumman and Sajjad competed more interviews.
I want to upload the voice recordings I have of Sanjay and Elizabeth Evans (Saul would not let me record), but certain things said were off the record. So I may have to listen to them and cut some of it out, but regardless, it's fantastic for context. Osob, have you managed to speak to the S.U. at all yet?
I've made a start on the data analysis. Here it is so far to give people an initial idea of what we have found. Have people checked footage for sound etc?  

Tomorrow, some of us are meeting outside the library around 11-ish to complete the remaining interviews, I have done two control interviews as well so far so I need to speak to 2 more remaining people outside of Goldsmiths. It would be good to have video one of us speaking to the general public for the control group on film. And some b-footage of us walking around/ in the library, generally looking busy.

As we have now completed the initial part of our project, we need to start making some decisions about what happens next with posters, videos, speaking to people in power about our findings etc. 

I also surveyed my cat... 

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