Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Things are happening...

So it looks like you're starting making some progress now which is good. I have the impression that the contribution in this group is not very even however and that some people are doing a LOT more than others, so buck up those of you who are not pulling your weight! You have to include a LOG of all the PRACTICAL things that you did to contribute to this project and if you don't do this, you run the risk of failing out. Plus you're letting your teammates carry all the weight of the project. Osob, Sajjad and Alba have never contributed to the blog and seem to play no role in the planning. Some of the other contributions are patchy and irregular too. It's not too late for the irregulars and the no-shows to pull their socks up so get stuck in!

I'd like to hear more about what exactly the film is going to consist of and what you are going to do with it when it's made. It's important that the project has impact so how are you going to ensure that it doesn't function mostly within the group? Will there be an event where the film/poster is presented? If so there is only a couple of weeks left to make this happen....

Finally, there are some interesting and relevant sources quoted below so well done to those of you who foraged them out, but it would be good to start supplementing these with some interesting essays and more scholarly discussions about the question of race, employment, HE, etc. What can you dig up on Google Scholar? This will greatly inform your interviews and support your essay discussions!

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