Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Sexual Harassment Week & Goldsmiths on it

  Hi Guys, so as we all know its sexual harassment week this week, and the uni put on this conference yesterday. I am so annoyed I couldn't go because of my job, but did anyone else? Or know of anyone who went? May even be worth dropping the organiser an email to get a comment. 

Another thing I've discovered this week is that Goldsmiths has a 10-Point-Plan when staff and students come to them with what they've experienced. It says on the website how they intend to tackle the issues:

''Here, we set out a 10-point plan to address this issue
This is intended as a starting point for our work in this area. Our intention is for this plan to develop as we work collaboratively to ensure we have a framework that meets the needs and requirements of everyone in the Goldsmiths community.

New post to review and improve the framework around reporting and addressing sexual harassment
Definition of sexual harassment
Establishing an Advisory Board
Training and awareness for students
Training and awareness for staff
Reporting sexual harassment – students
Reporting sexual harassment – staff
Leading the HE response
Policies and guidance

Working with our communities and partners''

This post was written in 2013, so it would be interesting to find out whether they'd completed these goals in 4 years, and if they haven't what's slowed them down?

-I may have an answer here:
On the website, Goldsmiths say how they put a bid into HEFCE (Higher Education Funding Council for England) for 'Student Safeguarding on Campus'. And they got what they wanted. Goldsmiths received £2.45 Million.

The website then goes on to quote Deputy Warden, Elisabeth Hill on what she intends to do with the money :

“We have a clear ambition to be sector-leading on these issues. This funding will help us further develop our programme of action to address sexual harassment – and ensure students feel safe and supported at our university.”

Maybe we could follow her up on this, to see if its her priority to spend a large chunk of it on safeguarding against harassment. 

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