Thursday, 2 March 2017

Social Experiment/Interview/Research

So after a super awkward week of asking to take miscellaneous people's pictures, I have nearly finished the ''piece of paper with people's pictures on, and we ask people on campus where they reckon the person in the image fits'' thing. (And will post up a preview when it's properly finished).

So I was beginning to think on the sorts of questions we will ask and to whom. 

-The criteria of the people interviewed I think, will have to, simply be, whether they have an association to Goldsmiths. i.e If they study(ied)/work(ed) etc. for the uni then they're fit for interview? (thoughts??).


-My sort of plan is that we ask someone if we can ask them a few questions for our project.

1) Present them with the card or whatever with the 9 people's pictures on. The pics will be all randomly placed so theres no clue for them.

2) Tell them there's 3 students, 3 people who just generally work at Uni and 3 members of teaching staff. And that we want them to try and pick out who they reckon fits the category, just by looking at their face. 

3)  After making note of their decisions, I want to ask some follow up questions; like, why did you pick them for this job? etc. ((Will post a -sort of- questionnaire/tick box of questions to ask at bottom)) This is hopefully where we will get the juicy opinions we're after. And perhaps we could film them answering the questions and put it in our final video.

4) Couldn't get the image any bigger than this sadly, but it reads:
And then we will just write yes or no or whatever in the boxes next to. 8 spaces was the max powerpoint would allow me to do but I think we agreed to interview 50ish people? So will print off a couple of these grids.

Have you ever experienced discrimination based on your sex/gender/race/ nationality within University?
Do you think there are more males in higher academic roles?
Do you think white lecturers are preferred over non-white lecturers?
Do you think there is a need for groups such as the  ‘Women in Humanities Project?’
Do you think we need to de-colonise the curriculum?
Would you like to learn about  a non-white /non-male perspective?
Would you say there are male and female subjects? If so what?
From within your department/Work space: Do you think the non-white to white ratio of staff is ideal?

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