Monday, 20 February 2017


So I remember last year sometime (?). Students of the University of Oxford began a campaign to remove a statue of Cecil Rhodes of one of their buildings. 
This guy was a leading figure in the establishment of the apartheid in South Africa, and is responsible for thousands of African deaths. 
SO understandably modern day students at Oxford and, even in South African University where they also have a statue of him, want rid of his glorified memorial. 
The Oxford students in particular received an unlikely backlash from their own Chancellor, Chris Pattern. Who, while speaking on Radio 4 said:

 “If people at a university are not prepared to demonstrate the sort of generosity of spirit which Nelson Mandela showed towards Rhodes and towards history, if they are not prepared to embrace all those values which are contained in the most important book for any undergraduate – Karl Popper’s Open Society – if they are not prepared to embrace those issues then maybe they should think about being educated elsewhere.” 

(Thank you Guardian 

I think I may dig a bit deeper on this guy because he seems like a proper douche. 
According to the Guardian; the Campaign to remove Rhodes' statue was lead by Black and Ethnic Minority students, who claimed that the praise of Rhodes in their institution undermined their presence there. Which is fair enough.

Here are some links from the Guardian if you guys wanna take a look: 


And then from the BBC


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