Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Possible Questionnaire

Perception of Race and Gender in Educational Institutions Questionnaire
Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each of these statements. Place an "X" mark in the box of your answer.
Q1: What is your gender?
Q2: Specify your role within the institution i.e. Student / Lecturer

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
There are more male lecturers compared to female lecturers within the institution

There is a lack of BME (Black & Minority Ethnic) lecturers within the institution


There are more men who currently occupy senior positions within the institution

More needs to be done to encourage women and BME into occupations within higher education and universities

Gender equality has already been
achieved within institutions like universities

The issue of gender inequality within institutions like universities is a big problem

The University actively promotes gender equality

This is just a provisional questionnaire; if anyone has any other ideas of what other questions we can ask, or a different direction we should go in, feel free to comment. 

1 comment:

  1. This is good Rumman, I think we should give this a test run at some point this week?
