Friday, 10 February 2017

Random idea for the project

We could collect pictures of different people of different races, sexes etc who hold different roles within the university. We should then stage it as a game show.  We could show the pictures to people, and give them 3 options as to what they do, eg cleaner, lecturer, student or whatever, and then score them on how many people they got right. We could them ask them a few follow-up questions eg, what about the person in this picture make you think they did this role?  To gain what thoughts went through people's minds when they said their answer. We could then correlate the results and turn it into a miniature report, which we could submit to the principal or the dean or whoever of the university. The game show element might make people more eager to participate rather than just "can you help us with our project", and the follow-up questions would help us understand the problem better overall and could help us come up with some suggestions of how to improve the university.

Does anyone in the group have any special skills which we could use in the project in general?
I'm good with data analysis and would be able to turn the data we gather into statistics etc if we decide to go down a similar route or whatever. Look forward to hearing from you all, have a wonderful reading week.


  1. I like you're idea Helen...would this require a visual element to it, like a video?

  2. Thanks for your comment Rumman, I thought we had to do a video, or am I just making that up? Haha.

  3. This sounds interesting, we could also give the participants a time limit when answering the question to ensure we get their initial response to the image of the person.

  4. Can anyone confirm if we have to do a video? I have a feeling I may have misunderstood what Bernadette said.
